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All Life is

Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) - serving as a vegan resource since 2005

Exclusive EVEN

Read ALL of EVEN's Exclusive Interviews

Veg Spotlight

Linda - Long-Term EVEN Member, Volunteer and Presenter

Veg Spotlight

George Eisman, RD - EVEN Presenter and Supporter presents to EVEN, "Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet."

Veg Spotlight

Dale Lugenbehl - EVEN Member, Presenter, Volunteer, and Donor, presents to EVEN, "Voluntary Simplicity & the Environmental Impact of Our Day-to-Day Food Choices."

Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Dale Here.

Veg Spotlight

Mother and Daughter
Myrna -
EVEN Member
Mele - EVEN Volunteer

Veg Wisdom

Dedicated to Gentleness...and the dream of a world in balance, where human and non-human animals have nothing to fear. - dedication in Dr. Michael Klaper's book, Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple

Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Dr Klaper Here.

EVEN Featured In:

~ Vegan Voices (Beyond Joy)

~ Health Science Magazine (Member Spotlight)

~ Boomer News Interview (NW Boomer and Senior News)

~ 24 Carrot Award (Vegetarians in Paradise)

~ Vegan Awareness Year (Mayoral Proclamation, City of Eugene)

~ American Vegan Magazine (American Vegan Society)

~ Volunteer of the Year (United Way)

Veg Spotlight

Rodolfo - EVEN Member

Veg Wisdom

To die for the revolution is a one-shot deal; to live for the revolution means taking on the more difficult commitment of changing our day-to-day life patterns. - Will Rogers (1879-1935)

Support EVEN > Join


The Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) has been serving as a vegan resource since March 2005. Years of educational lectures, sponsoring local and national guest speakers, tabling and distributing vegan literature, maintaining a website, and...fielding more inquiries than we ever planned! (Did you know that EVEN continues to receive over 100 emails per day?)

EVEN has exceeded everyone's original expectations, which is all wonderful news! And...


Not only has our website been up and running since 2006, but it is reaching more and more inquiring people from Eugene and around the world. There are always exciting new things planned!

Our continued growth---while welcome---carries with it increased expenses. If you would like to see EVEN's outreach continue to succeed and expand, please consider becoming a member or making a donation of whatever amount you choose. All of your donations are 100% tax deductible and all your help directly supports EVEN's educational outreach.

Because everything EVEN does is always offered free to the public, our only means of sustaining our efforts come from the generosity of people like you!

As we continue our outreach operation into the future, we will need your support as much as ever. Your membership or donation will help us continue to provide relevant information to all those interested in the benefits of a healthful and compassionate vegan lifestyle.


According to "Optimystic Vegan", Nadine Peterson, EVEN Long-Term Member, Volunteer, and Presenter (and Nature Lover!), there is one reason and only one reason to join any organization like EVEN---"the supreme satisfaction of serving humanity." Nadine has been helping with EVEN since 2005. Thank you, Nadine!


A one-year membership to the Eugene Veg Education Network is only $25 ($20 for students and seniors, 55+). You can also opt to make a gift of any amount you choose to help increase the veg presence in our own town and beyond.

You are the creator of change! The most important changes that we can ever make are those we make in ourselves and in our community. Won't you please join us? EVEN needs your kind consideration and support to continue the work it has been doing since March 2005. Your kindness and generosity are most appreciated and will go a long way toward making the world a better place for all who live here. Thank you for being a part of this endeavor!

All of your donations are 100% tax deductible

Make checks payable to Eugene Veg Education Network to 1574 Coburg Rd., #120, Eugene, OR 97401 (mailing address) or send donations through this website. Choose and click Paypal icon below to pay for your membership instantly via your credit card or Paypal funds:

EVEN Membership - One Year - $25:

EVEN Membership - One Year - $20 (Students/Seniors):

EVEN Other Donation - $50 - $75 - $100 (Amount of your choice):

EVEN Business Membership - One Year - $200: