Karly - EVEN Office Assistant
All it takes is courageous, fearless, unique individuals to make substantive change in this world. - Gary Yourofsky
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Gary Here
Jim and Leah - EVEN Members, Donors and Volunteers
It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do. Moliere, French playwright, actor (1622 - 1673)
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. - Albert Einstein
Kelly - EVEN Volunteer and Supporter
Dave - EVEN Member and Volunteer
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just. - Thomas Jefferson
~ Vegan Voices
(Beyond Joy)
~ Health Science Magazine (Member Spotlight)
~ Boomer News Interview (NW Boomer and Senior News)
~ 24 Carrot Award (Vegetarians in Paradise)
~ Vegan Awareness Year (Mayoral Proclamation, City of Eugene)
~ American Vegan Magazine (American Vegan Society)
~ Volunteer of the Year (United Way)
Hope - Dedicated vegan and EVEN volunteer
According to "Optimystic Vegan", Nadine, EVEN Long-Term Member, Volunteer, and Presenter (and Nature Lover!), there is one reason and only one reason to join any organization like EVEN---"the supreme satisfaction of serving humanity." Nadine has been helping with EVEN since 2005. Thank you, Nadine!
Be creative and find the kind of activism that fills your soul. Maybe you're an artist, a musician (write a song!), a baker (make vegan cupcakes!), an accountant, a chemist (how 'bout creating the new vegan cheese!), a sociologist (what makes people tick?), a teacher, a gardener, a web designer, a writer – wherever your talents lie and whatever fills your heart, the movement needs YOU! - Matt Bear
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Matt Here.
As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields. - Leo Tolstoy
Back Row - Linda, Stacy, Jay, Sandy
Middle Row - Mary Faith, Lin, Hilliard, Linda, Mary, Jeanette, Leah, Jim
Front Row - Adam, Stephan, Robert, Heidi
(Not Shown - Eric, Cliff, Kate)
— Stacey Willits Photography —
EVEN volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, all food preferences, and various backgrounds.
The most important thing EVEN looks for in a volunteer, however, is support of and alignment with what EVEN is working to accomplish. Great things, as we've seen, can be achieved when we're all on the same page.
Here's Lauren accomplishing great things for EVEN.
After that, whatever your talents, EVEN is sure to have a place for your volunteer time and energies at some point or another.
Olivia - Vegan, EVEN Intern and Office Support
Sample Projects
- We always need help setting up for events.
- We frequently need help tabling to distribute literature and answer questions. We could even use a Project Leader to arrange and manage tabling opportunities throughout the year.
- We especially appreciate help when we are pamphleting down town, at the library, or on campuses.
- There are a variety of phone projects available if you're comfortable talking to people.
- Office support is an on-going need---secretarial, administrative, filing, record-keeping, even collating and folding literature.
- Project leaders/Social Directors are needed for arranging and managing dine outs on a regular basis.
- Special Events Coordinators are needed throughout the year to arrange the details for special events such as, Earth Day, Great American Meat Out, World Vegetarian Day, Summer Vegan Picnic, Thanksgiving, and others.
- Volunteers willing to help us hang posters around town prior to upcoming events is a steady need.
- Membership/Welcoming Committee volunteers needed more and more as EVEN grows.
Robert and Monica Jean tabling for EVEN in downtown Eugene on Vegan Awareness Weekend.
Just email us (Contact Form) with a rough idea of the amount of time you might be able to volunteer. We have ongoing projects if you can commit longer range, and we have short-term projects if your time and schedules are more limited time.
Better 'A Little For Sure, Than A Lot With A Maybe'
It is essential to the success of any organization for a volunteer to be able to commit to the time s/he promises. We'd rather have a volunteer take on a smaller or shorter-range task and be able to commit to it, than try to handle a larger project and not be able to see it through.
The smallest deed is better than the biggest intention.
- Chinese proverb
So it's ok if your contribution to us is smaller in scope or shorter-range. As long as we can rely on you to carry it out. Besides, EVEN believes there are no small contributions. Everyone plays an important role in all events in which they choose to participate! Thanks!
Thank You For Considering EVEN
Everyone has a busy schedule, so we can be as flexible as you can be flexible, and together perhaps we can get even(!) more done than we have in the past.
We are very appreciative of your offers of help and we thank you for considering this possibility. And the animals and the planet thank you, too!
Robert and Kim Thanksgiving Peaceful Potluck