Shawn Donnille, VP, Mountain Rose Herbs - EVEN Donor, Supporter and Presenter, speaks to EVEN on " Vegan-Owned Businesses - Their Importance in Today's Economic World"
Read EVEN's exclusive Interview with Shawn Here.
Ken Viscidi - EVEN Presenter
Ken presents "The Milk Today"
Liz Howard - EVEN Presenter
Fish on aquafarms spend their entire lives in cramped, filthy enclosures, and many suffer from parasitic infections, diseases, and debilitating injuries. Conditions on some farms are so horrendous that 40% of the fish may die before farmers can kill and package them for food.
To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime. - Romain Rolland, writer, essayist, playwright, Nobel in Literature 1915 (1866-1944)
All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others.
Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do? - Buddha
~ Vegan Voices
(Beyond Joy)
~ Health Science Magazine (Member Spotlight)
~ Boomer News Interview (NW Boomer and Senior News)
~ 24 Carrot Award (Vegetarians in Paradise)
~ Vegan Awareness Year (Mayoral Proclamation, City of Eugene)
~ American Vegan Magazine (American Vegan Society)
~ Volunteer of the Year (United Way)
Robert and Monica Jean tabling downtown on Vegan Awareness weekend.
I'm confident that eating animal foods is a passing delusion, like slavery and cannibalism, and that we are evolving to a higher state of awareness and behavior that is inevitably bringing us closer to our goal of peace, freedom, equality, and justice for all. - Will Tuttle
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Will Here.
The transition of world agriculture from food grain to feed grains represents an...evil whose consequences may be far greater and longer lasting than any past examples of violence inflicted by men against their fellow human beings. - Jeremy Rifkin
EVEN has been able to offer a wide variety of speakers and topics. While subject matter varies, ALL of our speakers are veg and ALL of our speakers present at no charge---out of the goodness of their hearts! This makes it possible for EVEN to keep most speaking events free and open to the public.
Since EVEN's primary objective is to "inform, educate and encourage" those interested in the benefits of a plant-based diet, presentations offer informative and fun speakers with varying topics relevant to veganism, non-violence, compassion, sustainability, environment, animal rights, and/or personal health.
Jonathan Balcombe, PhD, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals and the Nature of Feeling Good (5/13/07)
Ty Bell, The Superfood Evolution: Using High-Energy Medicinal Plant Foods to Enhance the Vegan Lifestyle (3/3/08); Healing with Superfoods (1/2/06)
Beverly Lynn Bennett, Vegan Tips and Recipe Ideas for the Upcoming Holiday Season (11/3/08); My Life as a Vegan Chef (6/5/06)
Joanne Bergen, Festival of Speakers - Raising a Vegan Family (3/5/07)
Karen Booth, MS, RD, Vegan Nutrition (11/7/05)
Katie Cantrell, Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, Hidden in Plain Bite: The Impact of Factory Farming (2/18/13)
Ginger Carlson, The Joyful Vegan Family (5/5/08); VeganRama 2007 Cooking Demo (12/3/07)
Robert Cheeke, Thrive On A Plant-Based Diet: Whole-Food Nourishment for Whole-Body Health (5/7/07)
Charlotte Childress, author, Clueless at the Top, We're All In This Together (5/1/06)
Karla Cohen, MAIS, Peace, Militarism and Animal Liberation (12/5/05)
Rob Culclasure & Lindsay Gasik, VeganRama 2008 Cooking Demo (12/1/08)
Shawn Donnille, Vegan-Owned Businesses - Their Importance in Today's Economic World (10/1/07)
Dave Duemler, Ethics of Animal Factories (8/1/05)
George Eisman, RD, Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet (3/20/06)
Jerry Evans, DC, Be Healthy As a Horse (3/6/06)
Comet-Lorie Fleischman, How to Enhance Your Health with Raw Superfoods (5/23/13)
David Gabbe, Creating a Compassionate Thanksgiving (10/24/13), David's Vegan Home Cooking (5/3/11), Why Do Vegetarians Eat Like That? (8/6/07)
Wendy Gabbe Day - Scatter Vegan Sweets (10/29/10)
Hilliard Gastfriend, VeganRama 2008 Cooking Demo (12/1/08)
Wayne Geiger, President, Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary, Farm Animal Rescues in Oregon and Beyond (10/6/08)
Dr. John E. Gobble, DrPH, RD, LD, CHES, The Vegan Lifestyle --- It's For Real! (6/2/08)
Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Escaping the Pleasure Trap (8/18/18)
Mike Grudzien - Become Vegan Strong (7/13/24)
Dr. Orestes Gutierrez, 5 Universal Principles of Veganism (7/7/18), 3 Steps to Superior Health (6/11/16), 3 Steps to Superior Health (5/26/15), Food for the Body, Mind, Soul---a Vegan Diet (7/26/12), Debunking the 10 Myths of Veganism (10/27/11)
Ruth Heidrich, PhD, A Race for Life - From Cancer to the Ironman (9/27/12)
Winter Hose, VeganRama 2007 Cooking Demo (12/3/07)
Liz Howard, VeganRama 2007 Cooking Demo (12/3/07)
Sandy Itzkowitz, VeganRama 2008 Cooking Demo (12/1/08)
Robert Jacobucci, Interconnectedness and the Impact of our Daily Choices (4/2/07); Digestion, Enzymes and Health (11/6/06)
Alexandra Jamieson, CHHC, AADP, How Veganism Will Save the World! (7/9/10), Vegan Cooking for Dummies (11/18/10)
Joanne Kong, PhD, The Power of Veganism (5/24/24),Strands of Compassion (5/19/23),Legends of Change (2/22/20),The Power of Veganism (3/10/18)
Nick Kress,VeganRama 2007 Cooking Demo (12/3/07); Festival of Speakers - Raising a Vegan Family (3/5/07)
Walter Lapchynski, Guilt-Free Fitness (2/4/08); Festival of Speakers - Vegan Fitness (3/5/07)
Matt Laubach, Festival of Speakers, Living the Higher Life (3/5/07)
Wendy Liberko, Happy Veg Holidays for Busy People (12/4/06)
Ravi Logan, The Benefits to Human Consciousness of a Vegetarian Diet (1/7/08)
Dale Lugenbehl and Sandy Aldridge, Food Choices and Climate Change (7/28/11); Voluntary Simplicity & the Environmental Impact of Our Day-to-Day Food Choices (8/7/06); Voluntary Simplicity & the Environmental Impact of Our Day-to-Day Food Choices (6/6/05)
Read handouts from Dale and Sandy's presentation HERE.
Dr. John McDougall, Is Your Food Poisoning You? (5/5/16)
Erica Meier, Executive Director, Compassion Over Killing (COK), Choosing Compassion One Meal at a Time (7/23/16), [If you missed Erica's wonderful presentation, see it here!], Choosing Compassion One Meal at a Time (9/16/07)
Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, 101 Reasons to Try Being Vegetarian (1/29/07)
Nadine Peterson, VeganRama 2007 Cooking Demo (12/3/07); Festival of Speakers - Vegan Spirituality (3/5/07)
Dan Piraro, The Bizarro Baloney Show (4/20/06)
Joshua Ploeg, Vegan Fun with the Traveling Chef (4/7/08)
Lauren Regan, AAL, Lighten the Earth's Burden on Earth Day --- Go Vegan! (4/3/06)
Patricia Robinett, CCHT, Personal Peace: Making the Mind/Body Connection Practical (10/3/06)
Matt Rossell, In Defense of Animals, Going Undercover for the Animals (6/4/07)
Linda Sappington, Festival of Speakers - Your Life Really Is In Your Hands (3/5/07), VeganRama 2008 Cooking Demo (12/1/08)
Sister Kiran, Brahma Kumaris, Food and Soul: The Spiritual Components of Cooking and Eating (2/5/07)
Jan Spencer, Global Trends-Local Choices: Towards an Eco-Humanist New Culture (2/6/06)
Janice Stanger, PhD - Dangerous Protein, Carb and Fat Myths - How Your Body Tells You What to Eat (4/29/23), The Dangerous Truth About Protein (8/20/16), Whole Foods: The Perfect Formula for Health and Weight Loss (8/31/10)
Dr. Carol Stoutland, VeganRama 2008 Cooking Demo (12/1/08)
Will Tuttle, PhD, Food as Medicine (10/4/19), Healing Our World: A Deeper Look at Food (6/24/17), Time to Wake Up - A Presentation on The World Peace Diet (10/2/13), The World Peace Diet - Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony (7/2/07)
Dr. Leslie Van Romer, Getting Into Your Pants (1/5/09)
Ken Viscidi, Festival of Speakers - The Milk Today (3/5/07)
Jason Waligoske, Juices and Smoothies 101 (4/2/07)
Pam Wible, M.D., Ideal Medicine: The Healing Power of a Vegan Diet (2/23/12)
Erin Williams, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Saving Animals and the Planet with Your Fork (2/2/09)