Never betray your authenticity. Always honor your integrity. Seek to live with respect both for yourself and for others.- John Robbins
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with John
I vowed at that moment that I would be accountable for my food choices. I went on a mission to learn more about how food animals are raised and slaughtered. What I learned filled me with guilt and outrage, and most importantly, it challenged me to live a life that was more consistent with my values.- Brenda Davis
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Brenda
Steve, Wendy and Ivy Rose - Long-Term EVEN Members, Volunteers, Donors and Presenters
...vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarian habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work to our advantage is a well-demonstrated fact. Many races living almost exclusively on vegetables are of superior physique and strength. - Nikola Tesla, Serbian American inventor, engineer and physicist (1856-1943)
Ann - Long-term EVEN Member, Donor and Supporter
The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? - Jeremy Bentham
~ Vegan Voices
(Beyond Joy)
~ Health Science Magazine (Member Spotlight)
~ Boomer News Interview (NW Boomer and Senior News)
~ 24 Carrot Award (Vegetarians in Paradise)
~ Vegan Awareness Year (Mayoral Proclamation, City of Eugene)
~ American Vegan Magazine (American Vegan Society)
~ Volunteer of the Year (United Way)
It's never too late. And it's not hard - once you've made up your mind to stop eating death and pain, and to live instead on life and living, it's the easiest thing in the world.
Veganism IS life -life as it should be. - Laura Moretti
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Laura
>> Here
Bobbi (with Lucky) - Long Term Vegan and EVEN Supporter and Donor
Once well-grounded, any person is ready to advocate for the animals. - David Gabbe
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with David Here
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford (1863-1947)
Everything EVEN does is offered free to the public. Since 2005, our vegan educational efforts have continued (and grown!) in great part because of the thoughtful support of Local and National people.
This is only a partial list, but EVEN sends heartfelt appreciation to everyone for donations, memberships and encouragement. Thanks to all of you, EVEN is thriving.
Vegan Voices points to the need for a cultural and spiritual
transformation in which we embrace the commonalities between
all living beings as a source of positive change and healing.
Author and editor Joanne Kong has brought together the most inspiring and influential changemakers from around the world at the forefront of the vegan movement.
Vegan Voices fills the needs of a wide range of readers, from those new to exploring the plant-based lifestyle to longtime vegans and advocates.
This heartfelt and insightful book includes Beyond Joy, an essay written by EVEN's
Executive Director, Lin Silvan.
>>Read MORE
... Thich Nhat Hanh said that awareness is like the sun, and when it shines on things, they are transformed. Well, my life had been transformed!
Once one has new awareness, doing what you've always done is no longer a sensible option. ... >>MORE
Why we lead a vegan lifestyle — Retired Eugene couple enjoys spreading their message. --- by Vanessa Salvia
Lin Silvan and Robert Jacobucci enjoy the opportunity to share the reasons why they live a vegan lifestyle, and often set up tables at public events to share information, including this Eugene Sunday Streets event.
... Lin Silvan and her husband Robert Jacobucci are devoted to creating awareness of a vegan diet for a variety of reasons — personal health, the health of the planet, and because they believe animals deserve it....
"People often ask us why we're not on a tennis court or basking in the sun in some retirement community,"Silvan says. "Of all of the very worthy causes that we could have pursued this seemed like one that was crying out to be represented. We had the skills and the know-how and we ourselves saw that when you know better you do better, so we wanted to share that with other people."... >> MORE
Vegetarians in Paradise presents the 24 Carrot Award to an outstanding person or organization that endeavors to practice or promote education, natural health, wholesome nutrition, and ecology techniques for the mutual benefit of humans, animals, and the earth.
Vegetarians in Paradise takes great pride in presenting its 24 Carrot Award to Lin Silvan and Robert Jacobucci for their efforts in founding and guiding the Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) >>MORE.
Eugene, Oregon (December 8, 2015) - Eugene Mayor Kitty
Piercy has collaborated with the Eugene Veg Education
Network (EVEN) to declare 2016 as a year dedicated to
raising awareness of the impact individual choices have on
the planet and all of its inhabitants.
By mayoral
proclamation, Mayor Piercy has acknowledged growing
global recognition of the environmental, health, and ethical
concerns surrounding the consumption of animal products. >>MORE
The Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN) was cofounded by Lin Silvan and her husband, Robert Jacobucci. I had the pleasure of interviewing Lin. I was floored by her passion, energy, selflessness, and tireless dedication to vegan education....
...Lin shared generously about her full-time work at EVEN, and the principles she turns to when challenges arise. We asked how she holds tight to her core values since these are the philosophical basis for her work as an activist and a leader.
"With compassion, we become like everything in the world that is excellent," she says. "Compassion, along with integrity, creates a solid, unbreakable, unshakable backbone for any vegan venture. Any venture!" >>MORE
"Veganism is a lifestyle," explains Lin Silvan, co-founder and executive director of Eugene Veg Education Network, also known as EVEN, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information on the benefits of veganism. "It's certainly about eating a plant-based diet, but there are so many other aspects."
"...It's about seeing the interconnectedness between our eating habits and how it affects the world..." >>MORE
Lin Silvan and her husband had a hard time finding information on the vegan lifestyle when they retired, so they took matters into their own hands, dedicating their lives and their retirement to educating others.
They set up the Eugene Veg Education Network, or EVEN. It is a non-profit organization with a simple mission: make transitioning into a vegan lifestyle as easy as possible for people.
Not everyone agrees or is interested in a vegan lifestyle, so in order to help spread the word they held a Share Fair inside the McNail-Riley House. Putting together a collection of all things veg. From meatless meat, cookies made with potato starch and even make-up, they had a little bit of everything! Silvan said being vegan is a three-way win---for the animals, for people, and for the planet. - KVAL Eugene News
United Way honored Lin Silvan at their Annual Volunteer of the Year Award luncheon at the Eugene Hilton on April 19, 2012. Volunteering hundreds of hours per month since 2005, it was encouraging and heartwarming to have a group like United Way recognize EVEN's efforts. They nominated Lin in a category called "Essentials for Life" which was the area that emphasizes education and information that helps others. This is what they said >>MORE
EVEN, an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, started out very small, with just Silvan and Jacobucci tabling at the Earth Day celebration at University of Oregon and downtown Eugene. But EVEN quickly grew into Eugene's largest vegan education resource. >>MORE
Lin Silvan selected for monthly Volunteer Spotlight as Register Guard Recognizes EVEN as a Community Leader. >> MORE
Silvan/EVEN - I think it's important to ask if you think you look cool, or cruel. How refreshing it would be to make decisions---food, fashion and otherwise---that were not at the expense of someone else. Mankind never seems to run out of atrocious ways to inflict pain and death on other creatures for his appetite, his vanity, or his profit. >> MORE
What you choose to eat impacts more than just your own body. It affects other humans, the health of the planet, and the non-human beings that we share it with. >> MORE
Daily Emerald: Why did you become vegan?
Lin Silvan/EVEN:
Ethics. Ethics alone. Why should any meal I chose to eat ever require taking the life of someone else? Someone whose life matters just as much to them as mine does to me? Someone whose heart beats in him just like yours or mine? Someone who would surely run away from us if given the chance? In a modern world-a-plenty with so very many alternatives, how could I ever justify such unfairness? We can't always make perfect decisions, but what we can do is make the most compassionate decision as possible at any given time.
I grew up on your typical SAD (Standard American Diet), >>MORE
If you are vegetarian, you probably enjoy getting together with others who choose a plant-based diet. A local vegetarian group is a fun, convenient way to meet like-minded new friends. >>MORE
After years of working in the business world, Lin Silvan and Robert Jacobucci decided to retire early and get active to make a difference in the world. Turning veg together, the couple moved to Eugene, OR where they founded the Eugene Veg Education Network (EVEN)....(full article no longer available)
Wendy, Ivy Rose, and Steve Liberko - Long-Term EVEN Members, Presenters, Volunteers and Donors
Dick Wadsworth provides sanctuary to sheep and geese he rescued from dire circumstances. Dick is an organic farmer and a long-time vegan who has been a steadfast EVEN supporter.
Dr. Ruth Heidrich, 6-time Ironman Triathlete, winner of more than 900 trophies, 8 Gold Medals in US Senior Olympics, 67 marathons including Boston, New York and Moscow, and a breast cancer survivor.
Dr. Ruth in Trophy Room
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Dr. Ruth HERE
Will and Madeleine Tuttle at Lotus Garden with Lin and Robert
How could it ever be to our purpose to rob another living being of his or her purpose? - Will Tuttle
Source: The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle, PhD
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Dr. Tuttle HERE
Dr. Orestes Gutierrez and Pamela with Boone, Sofi, Maria and canine friends, Jackeo and Moe.
Read EVEN's exclusive interview with Dr. Gutierrez HERE
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